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Wizard World Los Angeles 2006:
Photos From The Floor

Contributor Jeffrey Berman spent the weekend checking out one of the highest profile conventions in the country -- the fabled Wizard World. Oh, it's fun to say that to "outsiders" -- they think we're wearing robes and tall hats.

Anyway, though Jeff is successful as a writer, he's taken to photography over the last couple of years, sending us some great snapshots from San Diego. As our lone representative at Wizard World, it's clear from these pictures that we're lucky to have him.

Welcome to Hogwarts.


You know, Brandon Routh seems so much nicer in person...

Marvel in da house...clearly, they love Wizard World...

Who loves Justice League Unlimited? If Cartoon Network doesn't, Mattel certainly does.

Um, how much for me?

Gallery 2 - Celebrities , Gallery 3 - Women of Wizard World

Jeffrey Berman


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