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Comic-Con 2007: Day One (Thursday)
Photos From The Floor

Photographs from Derek, Lon and Mish'al...

Which way to the can?

For all intents and purposes, as cool as it is --
where the heck are you going to put it?
(If you know, hey, it's at the Dark Horse booth.)

Save the cheerleader, win a lunchbox....

Over at the WizKids booth, you can learn to play the new Pirates of the Caribbean game.
The game isn't actually that big; they've just developed a great shrink ray.

Rob Paulsen, wiped out before he's begun.

Sam and Max, Freelance Police, roam the halls.
You can get their game at Steve Purcell's booth.

For all the crowding, the sweating, and the whining, it's still one heck of a beautiful place.
Let's pause and remember that, shall we?

Gallery 1

Derek McCaw


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