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They Came From The '80's:
reviews by Mish'al Samman

Battle of the Planets #2
Trial By Fire, part two
writer: Munier Sharief
artists: Alex Ross and Wilson Tortosa

reviewed by Mish'al Samman This series captures a lot of fans' memories of the TV show, and slaps it into the book ever so nicely. You may not recall the specific characteristics of each of the members, their mentalities, and who had what personalities, but it only makes you take a better look. After only two issues, they have clearly defined some key values and personalities within the group, given us action, and left us wanting more.

We last left our heroes called into action against the monstrous Spectra robot (the Terrapin) terrorizing Central West. Now they're in a bit of a jam, flashing back explain just what had gone so wrong. Well, the clash between authority, and impulsiveness rev up for a pretty interesting conflict in this issue, and the G-Force team has their hands full as Shareif explores just what makes the characters who they are. Keyop's love for animals, Jason's love for violence, Tiny's admiration of Colonel Cronus, and then Commander Korak, who will have to answer to the big bad boss man if the plan gets messed up. Boy, does it. It's all here, plus a little something that might catch you off guard.

If you are a returning fan of Battle of the Planets, you will enjoy this book's awesome art, coloring, and grittier style. If you are new to the concept, quickly go get issue #1, and don't miss out, because this title is going places.


Thundercats #0
A Cat's Tale
writer: Ford Lytle Gilmore
artist: J. Scott Campbell

With 80's culture making a weird comeback in comics, it was only a matter of time before Thundercats made their way back, and thanks to Wildstorm, they have. Issue #0 has pretty much everything you would expect an issue #0 to have. Not a fantastic story, but somehow it connects with the impending first issue, providing backstory and jogging memories a bit. It should give an idea of things to come.

The story of issue #0 is decent enough, as Wilykat (I always mix the twins up) admires Lion-O's sword, and wonders when he will be old enough to have his own weapon. He then takes us through some intriguing stories from the Thundercats' past and over-exaggerates them a bit for effect, of course. Naturally, each mini-story he tells spotlights the individual cats, and eventually leads to the end where Mumm-Ra hints to us what may possibly await our feline friends.

The second half of this book has a bunch of art from different people, sketches, etc. and thoughts from writer Gilmore. He gives a recap of how the show ended, and insight into what he wants to do with the series. The "Meet the Thundercats" section proved interesting, offering one paragraph summations with good stuff to remember.

Let's assume, though, that they will go through all this when the actual series kicks off in a week or so, but hey�we're ready. At Comic-Con, they even announced a possible revival of the TV series for sometime next year.

HOOOOoooooooookay. Get this if you're interested, because it looks like it may have potential. But if the appeal of Thundercats eluded you before, this book isn't going to change that.


Mish'al Samman

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