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Big Wow! Today's Date:

Big Wow Comics Fest 2013:
Cosplay Part 1

Last weekend San Jose threw its annual love letter to the comics industry, the Big Wow! Comics Festival and, if you listen to the podcast, you'll note that we all agree that this is really becoming a show to be reckoned with. Top creators attend (hey, Stan!) and, if you weren't aware, the Silicon Valley is home to a lot of great cosplayers. So let's begin touting them!

Ric got some great shots -- and though I've seen similar things happen at Comic-Con, there's just something ridiculously fun about seeing teams of cosplayers competing at Rock Band. I will never, ever get tired of it. Maybe.

(photos by Ric Bretschneider, text by Derek McCaw)

Because it's FUN, that's why..

I heard he was taller..

I'll TIE one on later..

Part 1 of a Marvel/Sailor Moon mash-up....

We have our own version of the Roomba....

I know it's Mortal Kombat. I know it's accurate. Those contact lenses still always freak me out..

Watch The Venture Brothers return on June 2nd. Just trust us..

"Yes, I want a My Little Mandalorian Pony sketch..".

Rosanna Rocha, Renowned Cosplayer. I couldn't finish the alliteration..

Part 2 of the awesome Marvel/Sailor Moon Mash-up....

We cannot disagree..

Sadly, she did not make it back from the landing party...

This reminds me of Geoff Johns' run on The Avengers...

A little something for the ladies... and Lon...

It's awesome that this VW Bug would want to come as ECTO-1...


Derek McCaw



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